Citizens for a Historic Westbank
Protect - Preserve and Promote - Westbank, BC - V4T

Your input is important, and Westbank needs your support.
Even though our council has allowed Westbank as a valid alternate for the V4T area, the gradual shift and migration to using the West Kelowna address, as the change comes about, will only create confusion.  Changing resident's personal, business, legal documents, and signs will involve a gigantic expense.  Not to mention the costs to BC taxpayers for replacing highway signs.  Our town is being erased from official maps, and Westbank is often referred to as West Kelowna by local media nd business advertising.  This is not the case in Winfield or Oyama.  These towns have both maintained their place, as small towns, in the District of Lake Country. 
We ask nothing less for Westbank, BC V4T.

 We want out town back! 
The Westbank Town Centre Strategy Plan (CD Zone - Land Use Plan) does not represent the whole town as we once knew it - with the boundaries established by the V4T postal code and the Westbank  Electoral Area. 
                 How Can You Help?
# 1

     Contact Mayor, Council Members and Staff:
Phone, email, fax and write letters
requesting that District Council respect
and encourage Westbank to remain a
vibrant town in the District.
Continue using the Westbank address
on your mailing and business advertising.
Get involved with Citizens for a Historic Westbank.  We welcome your participation!
Get a Westbank Bumper Sticker!
Ask for them at your local stores.
Thank your local businesses for using Westbank on their advertising and address.
Do nothing...and we will lose the crucial identity which this Gateway Community has represented in the Okanagan for over 100 years. 
Westbank, BC! "Spread the Word!"